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Initial bracelets

Your personal initial bracelet

Totally on-trend: initial jewellery. Which is why the initial bracelet is essential in your personal jewellery stash! Bracelets with letters are a timeless item and so a real must-have for every woman. Initial bracelets are also very personal, which makes them much more special to wear. At My Jewellery, you’ll find initial bracelets in various styles. We have, for example, initial bracelets with chains, bangles with initials and even initial bracelets with beads. Aside from that, we also have the option between gold and silver. There’s something for everyone! With the wide selection from My Jewellery, you’ll be sure to find an initial bracelet that you will love. The wonderful thing about a bracelet with letter from My Jewellery is that you can wear them all the time. Our bracelets are made from stainless steel, which means that they won’t discolour when they come into contact with water. No taking off your jewellery every time you shower or go for a swim! Score! Take a look at the assortment and shop your favourite initial bracelet!

Mixing & matching initial bracelets

The fantastic thing about initial bracelets from My Jewellery is that you can perfectly combine them. Having a hard time deciding between your lover’s initial or your mother’s initial? Why choose?! Wear the various initials together. Wearing multiple bracelets is what we call an arm party and they are hot. Select some cheerful colours and create a summery look or simply go for stylish gold and silver initial bracelets. Feel free to mix & match your bracelets! Another great look is styling your initial bracelet with your outfit. Wear a subtle bracelet with letter with your workwear and perhaps a coloured initial bracelet for your beach look. Could your arm party do with a boost? Try a striking look with a chunky initial bracelet. There’ll be no missing your arm party! You can go any direction with initial bracelets, so shop your favourite now! Which bracelet with letter will you be going for? It’s a tough decision to make. They all look so great!