Find all the answers to questions about ordering items, posting content and all other questions. Can't find the answer to your question? Please contact your contact person.
You can find the shoppingmoney code, which you use to order your items, in the first email that was sent by your My Jewellery contact person. This code starts with MJ.
With your shoppingmoney code, you can only purchase from the influencer page. It is not possible to use the shoppingmoney code to purchase items that are not included on the influencer page, the code won't work. Is your personal discount code still not working? Contact your contact person.
You can only select jewellery when you're invited for a jewellery campaign (or clothing for a clothing campaign). In case you would like to do things differently, contact your contact person.
Yes, that is possible. You can pay the remaining balance with one of our other payment options.
The expected delivery time is displayed at the checkout. After placing an order, you’ll receive an email once your order has been shipped. You’ll also be able to trace your package with the code included in this email.
Het is super vervelend als je een kapot item hebt ontvangen, je kunt hiervoor contact opnemen met jouw contactpersoon. We zouden het heel fijn vinden als je een foto of video van het kapotte item, toevoegt in de bijlage.
It is not possible to return the items you’ve ordered for your influencer collaboration. So make sure to select the right items (in the right size).
You must upload the content within 10 days after the arrival of your package; the sooner, the better. After you’ve uploaded your content online, send the link of the post to your contact person.
You don’t have to send a preview of the content to your contact person. However, in case you would like to receive approval of your post or feedback on your post, it is always possible to contact your contact person.
For all our Instagram campaigns, you can use the tags @myjewellery and #myjewellery. In addition to those tags, Dutch influencers use the hashtag #myjewellerygirl, Belgium influencer use #myjewellerybelgium and German influencers use #myjewellerygermany.
When you're participating in a TikTok campaign, you can use the tag @my_jewellery. The hashtags are the same for Instagram and TikTok collaborations.
Our customer service is in charge of answering questions that we receive via DMs. In case you have a question about an influencer collaboration, send an email to your contact person.
If we have a campaign with discount codes or giveaways, we will mention this in our first email to you. In case you still have questions about this, please contact your contact person.
In most cases, we try to schedule 2 up to 3 months between collaborations. Once these 2 or 3 months have passed, you can contact your contact person of the previous collaboration for a new collaboration. Your contact person will let you know if they are interested in a new collaboration.