Your monthly horoscope | March
Your monthly horoscope for March 2022
March is all about new beginnings! From spring equinox to the astrological new year expect to feel much more energised and optimistic the next month. Add to that the planets shifting into progressive air sign Aquarius and the sun’s move into impulsive fire sign: Aries, and we’ve got all the ingredients for an altogether more energetic, fiery, imaginative and future-minded month. And with our slow release back to freedom from restrictions just as we’re heading into bright and bubbly Spring, expect a month of fresh hopes and new perspectives. All in all March is feeling like a good month, one in which you’re encouraged to embrace your mystical side as you plan for the future, so check out your horoscope to see what might be in store for you!
Important Dates for March 2022
2 March - New Moon in Pisces, which will give fresh hope and guidance
5 March - Venus and Mars move into Aquarius which combined with:
9 March - Mercury enters Pisces, leads to a feeling of empathy, idealism and inspiration.
18 March - Full moon in Virgo which will highlight changes & shifts that started in Virgo month, September, and really bring them to life.
20 March - Spring Equinox & Astrological new year, when the Sun enters Aries
27 March - Mercury moves into Aries leading to dynamic courage
31 March - New moon in Aries
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
This is still your season, Pisces, so continue to reap all the benefits from it! You’ve probably been feeling a burst of confidence and imaginative energy since February, and this feeling will be heightened with the Pisces new moon on the 2nd and Jupiter aligning with the Sun on 5th March. Take your inspiration and start building on it from 9 March when communicator Mercury enters Pisces and you’re encouraged to communicate your dreamy ideas with others, this is the perfect time to start brainstorming, pitching or proposing all the artistic ideas you’ve come up with. With the full moon in Virgo on 18 March you're really going to have the energy to turn your dreams into reality. With the sun dipping into your money zone from 20th March you might even see financial rewards sooner than expected. So, in March it’s all about focussing on you, Pisces, connecting with your authentic self and going for your dreams!
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
You’ve got a month of two halves ahead of you, Aries. The first half of March is all about recharging your batteries and focussing on new beginnings, something that won’t be easy for a fiery & highly-energetic character like yourself. Still, take the time to enjoy the down-time and tune into your connections & dreams, which should be easiest around 2 March when the new moon falls into your spirituality zone. You’ve been firing on all cylinders career-wise since December, so really take this time to focus and gain clarity on what you want to achieve. Then, by the time the Sun enters Aries on 20 March you’ll be fully recharged to focus on the things that matter most to you. You’ll notice beautiful things start to happen around the same time as the Spring equinox and Venus, the planet of love and attractions comes into your sign’s orbit. So watch out for amazing things at the end of this month, Aries!
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Hi, Taurus, get ready to be social this month! With the compassionate Pisces Sun illuminating your friendship zone until the 21st, you’re going to find yourself wanting to socialise and connect with people, you’ll also feel a sense of strong new beginnings with the new moon that will really help you hone in on your hopes & dreams. But, remember to put your needs before others’ sometimes, because Pisces season can be bad for boundaries, so you’re going to need to show your stubborn side once in a while, or you’ll feel completely socially burnt out by the end of the month. So just remember to schedule in some me-time along with all the friend-time.
"The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection…"
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Dear Gemini, there is one clear theme for your month and that is: career. All the planets are aligning to make this a strong and inspiring month for you professionally. So, if you’ve been thinking of applying for a new job, writing up a business plan or getting that promotion at work, now is the time to really go for it, because with the Sun, Jupiter (the planet of luck) and Neptune (spirituality) all passing through your career zone, March is feeling very lucky for you. To make it all even more convincing, come 6 March social planet Venus and dynamic Mars are shifting into your adventure zone, finally giving you the courage to make all of the changes you’ve been dreaming of.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
For watersigns like yourself, Cancer, Pisces season should feel full of possibility and growth. You feel like exploring the world & educating yourself on the things that matter to you, while your curious nature will have you asking some of life’s most challenging questions. You truly feel like watering the grass on your own side of the fence this month, and if you’re patient you’ll start to see the progress too! By the full moon at the end of the month you’ll really start to see your work come to fruition, and everyone in your circle will be there to see and celebrate your accomplishments.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
March probably hasn’t started off great for you, Leo. You’ve been forced to contemplate what makes you comfortable and look at your own insecurities, something that doesn’t sit well with your intuition. Thankfully, planets will shift later in the month that will give you more clarity and make you feel much more like yourself. The Sun enters your fellow fire sign Aries 20 March which means a lot more fun and energy for you, Leo. You’ll feel a strong urge to see and experience new things and places, so why not go on that solo trip you’ve been imagining for ages, or if you want to keep things closer to home, think about joining a class and discovering a new hobby!
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Pisces season is bound to feel a little unnatural for you, Virgo, as Pisces and Virgo are total opposites of each other on the Zodiac chart. But, try to embrace the more emotional and dreamy Pisces traits as you flow through March. See this month as a time for emotional growth, and learn to ask yourself how things feel to you. This could be especially important in your relationships and partnerships. While your idealism can sometimes lead to a rose-tinted reality, March is actually proving to be a very romantic month for you, and beautiful things can start to happen for you in your relationships, as long as you allow yourself to be vulnerable and go with the flow. But remember, Virgo, you tend to put others on a pedestal and their needs above your own, and the main lesson for you this month should be that if you know how to stay true to yourself, you can better serve yourself and others. Keep a special eye on 18 March when the Virgo full-moon hits, as you’ll notice a shift in confidence levels leaving you to feel empowered and full yourself.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
You’re a hopeless dreamer & idler, libra, and you should always make space for that, even if the beginning of this month might feel extra busy and chaotic with errands, unavoidable daily tasks and new chapters in your work life. You might feel like you have to get more organised to manage it all, but don’t forget that Piscean energy matches your own in terms of dreaminess & imagination, so don’t get too bogged down in the details of ‘being organised’ and instead tap into the natural parts of your energy and you’re bound to feel energised and balanced. In terms of romance, be prepared for a wonderfully exciting month, Libra. As romantic Venu moves into your romance zone and is joined by Mars on 6 March, expect to have some memorable romantic entanglements!
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Pisces season has made you a lot more lighthearted and fun than we’d usually associate with you, Scorpio. The Pisces Sun has paired with your sign in your romance and self-expression zones, making this a good time to pursue your crush or start a new creative pursuit. You’ve felt a new sense of being in the moment and giving into your desires rather than fighting them. From 2 March, Jupiter (the planet of luck) pairs with a new moon which will only make it more exciting for you to pursue new things. Take this moment and the way you’re feeling all the way, because this might just be the most powerful moment of the entire year for you to start a new romantic or creative chapter in your life.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
The first half of this month is all about your home and family life, Sag. With the Sun being in your domestic zone since the end of February, you’ve been focussing on your closest relationships and connecting with your ancestors and your own personal space/home. You’re really feeling the power of being comfortable with yourself and within your space. But, when the Sun enters fellow fire sign Aries on 20 March, you’ll start to notice some shifts in your romantic and social life, and you’ll realise you want to follow your romantic desires.
"Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you."
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
There are still a lot of planets roaming around your cosmic orbit, Capricorn, but they will start to shift by the end of the month, which means the beginning of March is going to be a busy time for you, finishing off all the projects you’ve been energised to do in recent months. The new moon will provide you with new perspectives, so take this opportunity to tap into your intuition of educating yourself and learn a new skill. While you always like to plan and err on the side of caution, the final step to educating yourself might come around the Spring Equinox on 21 March, when the sun moves into Aries. Take some of that Aries rashness and spontaneity and plan a trip, but this time without planning it, and see what happens!
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
You’ve been focussing a lot on money and finances for the last few months, Aquarius, and that is set to continue into March. The new moon on 13 March might even bring some new perspectives on just that. But, don’t you think it might be time to let go of those purse-strings a bit? As lucky Jupiter and the enlightening Sun in Pisces move through your money sector, this might be your sign to have a little fun with your money. After all, why else have you saved it all? As Mars and Venus shift into your sign on 6 March you’ll finally notice a shift back to your usual social self, in fact, you might be even more magnetic and social than normal, so go ahead and make those meaningful connections you so crave!