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The ultimate summer outfit

July 30, 2023 | By: Victoria Cowan
Read time: 5 minutes

The start of the season

That cool summer breeze nipping at your sunkissed skin after an overload of tanning, those perfect natural beachy waves from all the salt in your hair, sand in all the wrong places…yea, this feels like summer! Even if it’s just for a little while, summer allows us to bask in those glorious Pinterest aesthetics that we all aspire to. Warm temperatures have an amazing way of unlocking the happy girl in us, and we can’t resist reflecting those happy moments in our summer outfit. A magical summer is all about achieving those good vibes in magical outfits.

 "It's magical!" 

The perfect summer outfit is different for everyone, so there isn’t a one-size-fits-all look for everyone either. Summer outfits are all about releasing that inner creative spark that will allow you to create your own, personal, perfect summer outfit. Afterall, fashion knows no ideal look, it’s all about dressing the way we want to all year long. Of course, when looking for the perfect summer outfit you do want to take a certain level of comfort into account, and they also need to be weather appropriate, so you can’t just grab the first thing you spot in your wardrobe. To help guide you to the perfect summer look we’ve selected some of our favourite summer outfit pieces in this blog!

After rain comes sunshine

Good people, good surroundings and good weather, all that’s missing is the perfect summer outfit! A major deal breaker when it comes to holiday outfits is the weather predictions. Staying in The Netherlands? Chances are you’re going to be experiencing very wet summer conditions, but if you’re off to headier climes you’ll probably need to pack some lighter & floatier items. To make things easy for you, we’ve put together a list of summer outfit inspo perfect for every weather eventuality, that way you can dress to impress whatever the weather!

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Summer outfit inspiration #1: warm weather

Let’s be honest when we’re on our holidays we want our summer days to be full of sunshine and warm weather. The perfect summer outfit is nothing with a good dose of vitamin C! We can’t help it, our outfits just look so much better when they’re bathed in sunlight!

Staycation activities :

Sure, it might not happen all that often, but there have been times when the mercury rose to more than 30 degrees celsius here, and if you ask us that’s the perfect temp to go and find some water to cool off in. Out come the makeshift pools and the beach trips, because much as we love hot weather, we can’t stand the heat. Immerse yourself in that gloriously cool water and lazily dry off on your fun beach towel, we can’t wait!

If you love the heat, you probably won’t mind heading off on an adventure! Grab your bike and explore all that The Netherlands has to offer while the wind gently flows through your hair and offers a much needed breeze. Heat become a bit too much for you? Take a break from your cycle trip and plop yourself on a nice outdoor terrace for a refreshing drink.

How to put together the ultimate hot weather summer outfit?

The best thing about summer? No need to check the weather app before leaving the house, because every day is a sunny day! Simply choosing the outfit you want to wear, without needing to check outside influences first has to be one of the most underrated feelings ever! The question is, how do you combine extreme heat with a cute summer outfit? Well, when we’re talking about tropical weather you know you’re gonna end up sweating, and that is totally fine! Just make sure to wear light and loose fitting outfits because there’s nothing worse than your clothes sticking to your back, arms and legs, because you’re all hot and bothered! How much of your bod you wanna show off? That’s completely up to you and what you feel comfortable with! 

The best colour to wear on super hot days? It probably comes as no surprise that it has to be: white! White is the least heat absorbant colour, in fact it reflects heat, so at least it’ll help you to feel a little cooler in your fit. Another big yes has to be loose fitted clothing! And if it comes in linen, that’s even better! A beach dressshirt dress or summer dress is going to be perfect for hot days. Make it a floral printed dress with boho vibes and bright colours to really put a smile on your face! Holiday outfits made up of separates are also a great option. A summer skirt or skort paired with a white top or t-shirt is a classic outfit for a reason, after all. Oh who are we trying to convince, there’s so many summer outfit options, you’re going to be fine when packing for your hols!

 "Stay wavy" 

Holiday outfit inspo #2: cold weather

Summer isn’t necessarily synonymous with sunny & warm weather, in fact, in many countries it can be rather rainy and cold, so keep in mind that summer clothing comes in various forms. Don’t be discouraged though, just be your own sunshine!

Cold weather staycation activities:

Just because the sun has disappeared doesn’t mean summer is gone! Keep those warm summer days in mind and grab your favourite sportswear, because this is the perfect opportunity to get a workout in to look lean and confident in your swimwear when the sun does eventually come out! Plus, let’s not forget about all the fun indoor activities still available in summer. Why not go to the movies or go bowling. So old school but so fun! Afterall, it doesn’t matter where you are, as long as you’re surrounded by your friends you’ll still have the perfect summer!

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How to create the perfect cold weather holiday outfit?

Looking to radiate summer vibes despite the cold weather? Look no further than a long dressmidi dress or maxi dress. So on-trend, and so perfect for colder summer days. Shop your new favourite dress in the happiest prints and get ready to shine bright on the dreariest days!

Of course we all realise how cold summer days can get, especially in Northern European countries, but grabbing our favourite knitwear just feels wrong in summer. Instead go for a balanced look, think long-sleeved tops or t-shirts in fun prints. Style with a pair of bright trousers and you’ve got yourself the perfect summer outfit.

Holiday outfit inspo #3: changeable weather

See that rainbow over the horizon? Ah yea, a sign of those typical summer showers. We all know how summer can have the worst mood swings! When it comes to changeable weather, you know you’re going to have to think on the fly, rather than being able to pre-plan your outfit to the t. So, lesson number one when dressing for changeable circumstances? Play it safe!

Changeable weather staycation activities:

Don’t despair if you’re unsure what the weather gods have in store for you, because despite changeable weather there’s still a load of summer fun to be had. Play it safe by choosing activities that are great fun whatever the weather, we’re thinking the zoo or a wellness centre. Let’s be honest, everyone loves to be their own spirit animal for the day, and if you’re not stressed from college or work-life - give us your secrets - because we don’t know anyone who wouldn’t love a little r&r at a relaxing retreat. Namasté!


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How do you create the perfect outfit for changeable weather?

Okay, so the weather is playing tricks on you and wreaking havoc with your outfit plans. Sadly, fashion-wise, there’s nothing you can do about it, other than deal with it. Get creative and you’ll eventually find an outfit that will be super versatile and get you through any season - whether that be in one day, or in one year! The key to dressing for changeable weather is, and always will be, layering. We love layering our summer outfits because it means we get to add a little extra magical touch with every layer we put on. Has the sun come out suddenly to leave you absolutely boiling in your denim jacket and top layers? Just take it off. Have the heavens suddenly opened up to leave you drenched? Put that oversized gilet back on over your embroidered blouse and finish off with a light summer jacket and you’ll be all dry and cosy in no time.

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