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Sparkling planet

While we love our industry, and enjoy making people happy with our designs, we also fully recognise that the fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world, and it’s undeniable that everything we make has an impact on the planet. This is why we believe it is important to operate within the limits of the earth and strive to be as economical and environmentally conscious as possible. Our long-term goal is to become carbon neutral. This may sound very ambitious, and it is, but at My Jewellery we never shy away from a challenge and keeping our planet sparkling is one of the biggest challenges of all. It is our aim to reduce our ecological footprint significantly and compensate for what we cannot reduce, and to do this we defined three overarching goals:



Goal 1

Mapping our ecological footprint & reducing our carbon footprint by making smart choices in energy consumption, packaging and transportation.

Before we can properly manage our emissions, we need to be able to measure them so that's what we'll be working on first. No matter how you look at it, our business operations cause emissions, whether that be from our buildings, our own transport or that of our business partners. During the production of our items, carbon is emitted, but Co2 is also consumed by the consumer in the usage phase. In other words, the effect of emissions is vast and sometimes extends beyond our direct sphere of influence, which is why we’ll be taking things step by step. 

Goal 2

Make use of more sustainable materials in our collections and work on sustainable packaging by reducing it as much as possible or replacing it with more sustainable alternatives.

Our packaging should keep our products safe but not harm the environment, which is why we’re going to continue to make conscious choices when it comes to packaging material. Step by step we want to reduce use and where we cannot reduce, we opt for the most sustainable solution, this also applies to our products. Every time we create new products, we will look for ways to do things better and more sustainably, first.  

packaging 1

Sint Lucas expo

Goal 3

Make use of more sustainable materials in our collections and work on sustainable packaging by reducing it as much as possible or replacing it with more sustainable alternatives.

Our packaging should keep our products safe but not harm the environment, which is why we’re going to continue to make conscious choices when it comes to packaging material. Step by step we want to reduce use and where we cannot reduce, we opt for the most sustainable solution, this also applies to our products. Every time we create new products, we will look for ways to do things better and more sustainably, first.  

Our journey to a more sparkling planet:

C02 neutral last-mile delivery
For deliveries to our customers, we work together with courier service PostNL. All packages that we send via PostNL are carbon neutral. PostNL invests in sustainable projects with the Gold Standard Quality Mark. Projects that comply with this quality mark compensate for  their emissions and contribute to making the local community more sustainable.

We use FSC-certified paper for our carrier bags and for part of our packaging. Our swimwear is packed in ziplock bags made from recycled plastic. Our jewellery bags are made of PLA, a lactic acid that is completely degradable.

Trees for All
For a few years now, we have worked together with Trees for all. In the past we developed a special jewellery ‘earth collection’ and for every item sold from this collection, we donated half a tree to Trees for All. The result was that we planted 2,000 trees in North-Brabant with Trees for All in 2021.

In our online shop we give customers the opportunity to make a small donation to the Trees for all foundation at the check-out. Thanks to the donations that Trees for All receives, new forests are planted worldwide and existing forests are restored with a positive impact on climate, biodiversity and living conditions. Trees for All invests in a green and healthy earth for everyone.

Clothing collection in collaboration with ReShare
The way in which textiles are produced, used, and discarded is largely linear. Textiles are made using large quantities of raw materials, but once the textile products have been used more than half is discarded via residual waste in The Netherlands. Sadly, the production, use and disposal of textiles has a major impact on the environment and our society, which is why we’re joining forces with the Salvation ArmyReShare project to collect and sustainably process as many clothes and textiles as possible

Ultimately, if we reuse more clothing and textiles, in the long run less will need to be produced which will contribute to a healthier planet. Starting in September you will be able to donate old clothing and textiles to our selected boutiques in Utrecht, Eindhoven, Maastricht and Zwolle, from there ReShare will either sell the wearable pieces at social prices in one of their stores or donate the wearable items to emergency relief, the Salvation Army local shops and/or recycling companies. Non-rewearable clothing will be recycled and used to manufacture new clothing.