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How to wear headbands

November 28, 2023 | By: Victoria Cowan
Read time: 3 minutes

How to wear a headband?

You’ve probably noticed that headbands a.k.a hairbands or tiaras, are back! Chances are you’ve spotted a few sparkly headbands for party season too and who doesn’t love hair accessories? They’re a simple yet effective way of adding a little spice to your look, but how do you wear your headband? On your head, duh, but how do you wear a headband in your hair? There’s a few different ways to wear a hairband, but the most obvious one is to wear a glitter headband on your hairline. That way you’re giving your headband pride of place and you can choose to wear all your hair behind your hairband, or pull a few loose strands out the front for a more nonchalant vibe. Wearing your headband like this can be done with both your hair down and your hair up. If you’re wearing your hair up and want to add a headband to elevate the look. Pin your hair in a messy way and add a sparkly hairband and you’ve instantly given your messy bun look a classy upgrade. Either way you choose to style your headband, they’ll work with both long and short hair, the only question is which option do you like best? In short, the answer to “how to wear a headband” isn’t difficult, just go for it! Think of all the different occasions you could wear your headband to as well. Wear a headband to a wedding, a party or the office, just for a lil summin’ different!

How to wear a headband with long hair?

A glitter headband, satin hairband or tiara, whatever you like to call it, it’s a must-have hair accessory this season! And we fully understand that you want to be able to embrace this trend whatever hairstyle you’ve got, so if you’ve got long hair it’s time to discover how to wear a headband with long hair? Again, the answer isn’t difficult, because you can add a headband to just about every look. Whether you’re rocking a ponytail, braid, updo or a more lowkey loose hair affair, the right hairband will bring just the right amount of extra to your hair look. The only real decision you’ll need to make is whether to go sleek or loose, in other words, do you comb all your hair back or will you leave a couple of face-framing locks around the front. One thing we know for sure is that you’ll be able to create some amazing looks with your headband! Oh, one final tip, when choosing the colour for your hairband, go for one that’ll contrast well with your hair colour, that way your hairband will stand out even more! Ready to nail your look? Well, if you’re going for an updo situation don’t forget to browse our fun scrunchie section as they’ll look great with your colourful headbands!

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How to wear a headband with short hair?

The first thing to know is: a headband will suit every hairstyle, whatever the length! From a sleek bob to long & flowing locks, a hairband truly is for everyone. If you’re rocking a short ‘do you might be wondering how to wear headbands with short hair? or how to wear short hair up with a headband? Luckily we have the answers! Because it’s a total myth that you can’t wear a headband with short hair. How you style your hairband with short hair depends solely on where you place your headband. Let’s start by answering the question: how to wear a headband with short hair? Comb your hair and part it however you like. Then separate the front sections and add some loose waves to those, finally, place your headband behind the ears and the front tonged sections, and let your hair fall into place. The front locks will beautifully frame your face while the headband behind it grabs all the attention. Add some statement earrings to really bring the party look home! See, wearing a headband with short hair is easy peasy. Finally, to style your hairband with a messy updo, simply put your hair up as you would normally, place the headband where it’s comfortable and looks best, and pull a few front strands loose to give your look a more undone feel. The addition of the hairband will make your look just that little bit different & special!

Hairbands for every occasion!

So, whether you’re on the hunt for a headband for short hair, or a hairband for long hair, every hairstyle deserves a pretty headband! We hope you’ve got all the answers you need regarding how to wear a headband, and we can’t wait to see how you choose to style yours! To be honest, there’s probably 100s of ways to style your headband, it’s all up to you to find the ways that work best for your style and your hair! All we can say is that a headband deserves a place in your accessories collection, not least because it works for every occasion and every season! Pull your hair off your face in the hot summer, add some sparkle to a dreary day in winter, add a little fresh beauty in spring and add a touch of on-trend style in autumn, whatever the weather a headband is your new go-to accessory! If you’re hoping to add some extra sparkle to your already sparkling headband look don’t be afraid to go big with our partywear jewellery! Trust us, a lot of sparkling jewellery never hurt nobody!

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