
  • How do I place an order?

    Step 1: Place your chosen items in your shopping basket.
    Step 2: Click on your shopping basket in the top right and then ‘continue to payment’. Fill in your personal details and check it carefully.
    Step 3: Choose your preferred delivery option. For more information about our delivery options, please look here.
    Step 4: Choose your preferred payment method. For more information about our payment methods, please look here.
    Step 5: Finally, tick the box saying that you accept the terms and conditions and click on the 'place order' button to finalise your order.

  • Can I change/cancel my order?

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to change or cancel an order. This means that it is important that you always carefully check your order and personal details before you finalise your order.

  • My order was unsuccessful, what should I do?

    Was your order unsuccessful or did something go wrong? No problem, we will then automatically cancel your order. Still have doubts? Our customer service team is happy to assist you on working days from 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.